Blog - Dakota Storage

Should I Buy A New Shed Or A Used Shed?

Written by Dakota Storage Buildings | July 18, 2017

The first rule of buying a used storage shed is the same as for buying a used car—be cautious!

If the price seems unreal (hundreds of dollars less than the cost of a new shed), the chances are good that quality is lacking.

Before signing on the dotted line and paying that unbelievably low price, here are a few things to consider.

To start, ask the seller why the shed is being sold. It may be they are moving and want to make the garden look as spacious as possible for potential buyers. It may be that the seller is remodeling their garden and are installing a newer shed. It may be that the shed has started to rot and leak, so instead of paying someone to take it away, selling it seems like a better (and more profitable!) option. Take the seller's reason with a grain of salt—he or she may not be disclosing the whole truth.

Then, just like when buying a car, you need to look over the shed. While the seller may give you reasons why the shed's on the market, you should always investigate the structure yourself—or bring along someone else who knows what to look for. You need to discover for yourself if the shed is in fair condition.

Here are some things to investigate.

  • Visible damages - Check for visible damages like cracks, termite activity, warping, rust, and rot. Also look for signs of exterior damage to a shed such as from a falling tree branch or lawn mower impact.

  • Roof - Take a look at the roof, is it leaking or has it leaked?

  • Walls - Are there stains on the walls?

  • Dampness - Does the inside of the shed feel damp? Is there evidence of mold or mildew?

  • Base - Examine the shed's base. Watch out for rotting of timber around the base if it's a wooden shed or corrosion of steel if it is a metal shed.

  • Upkeep - Look for signs of regular maintenance (good) or repairs (possibly not so good).

If you're happy with the condition of the shed and you think it can serve your purpose, the next step is to figure out how to move it to your property. How you transport the shed without damaging it may be a deal breaker. 

Here are something to ponder as you think about moving your shed:

  • Can the shed be moved in one piece? If so, do you have access to the type of vehicle that's necessary to move it? If you're renting a truck, how large does it need to be and do you need a specialized license or a permit to drive the vehicle on the road?  

  • Will the shed need to be dismantled and reassembled? If so, do you have the time and energy to make it happen? Do you need to hire extra hands to make the workload lighter?

The bottom line when buying a used shed is this: You may be getting a bargain, but it will almost always involve more time and energy than ordering a new shed from a dealer or manufacturer.

Forget the stress—get a new shed

The pros of buying a new shed far outweigh the pros of buying a used shed. While pinching pennies may be a huge factor in your decision, getting a new shed has 3 major benefits—

  • You get a brand-new, high-quality shed—no wear, tear, or damage from the former owner.

  • You get exactly what you want—you're not limited to the size and style being sold by owners.

  • You can have it delivered to your property or built on-site—no need to worry about transportation.

If you live in South Dakota or Minnesota and are interested in a dependable, high-quality shed, we have a range of choices—and most can be delivered or built on-site. Plus, because we sell factory-direct, you don't have to pay for the expensive middleman. Take a moment to see some of our sheds for yourself—browse our Storage Building Image Gallery.

Not sure how to find the right storage building for your needs at a fair price? No problem! Our Ultimate Shed Buying Guide will give you a complete look at the shed buying process.

Perhaps you're not interested in customizing your own shed. If that's the case, take a look at our pre-built clearance sheds.


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