Purchasing a new shed involves a seemingly endless array of choices. What size shed do you need? What color will your shed be? Will your shed be made of metal, or wood? Will your shed have windows? Will you add a loft?
With all of these choices to make it can be easy to overlook one of the most important decisions: Where are you going to put your new shed? The location that you choose for your new shed is an important factor that is with careful consideration. Shed placement will impact more than just the overall look of your property. The location you choose will determine how you are able to use your shed, how secure your shed is, how easy (or challenging) your installation will be, and even how long your shed will last.
In this post we will take a look at some of the most important factors to consider when determining the perfect location for your new shed.
One of the most important factors to take into account when determining shed placement.
Depending on the type of tools and equipment you will be storing, you may want to consider how far you will need to walk when you need to retrieve, or replace a tool in the shed during use. For example, if you plan on storing landscaping, or home improvement tools in the shed you may want to place the shed as near to the area where you will be using the tools as possible. This is especially true if you plan to store and use particularly heavy, or unwieldy tools.
If you will be loading, or loading heavy equipment you may want to place your shed at the end of a driveway, or gravel path so that you can easily drive vehicles up to, or away from your shed. You will also want to consider the distance of shed placement from property line to ensure that you have enough room to easily access your shed without needing to cross onto neighboring properties.
Depending on where you reside, you will likely need to acquire a building permit before placing your shed. Your local regulatory authority will be able to provide you with all of the information that you will need to determine the proper permitting process for installing, or building a shed on your property.
While some locations require building permits to be obtained for larger sheds (more than 100sf) only, many require permits regardless of the structure size. Contact your local authorities to determine the exact requirements for your location.
To avoid frustration, and costly errors, make sure that you have the final stamp of approval BEFORE finalizing the purchase of your shed.
After speaking with the regulatory agency for your location, and obtaining the necessary permits, you will need to take some time to read through the restrictions and limitations stipulated by the various agencies involved.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common restrictions that you will need to work around when planning your shed placement.
Shed placement from property line is one of the most common restrictions included on every building permit. Your local regulatory agency will generally place restrictions on shed placement that dictate how close your shed can be placed to the existing property line, as well as how close it can be to any other existing structures.
When determining shed placement from property line you will often need to take into account the height of your shed as well as the basic footprint. Sheds that extend a certain distance above the fence line often face more restrictive shed placement restrictions, than smaller sheds.
In certain locations, your shed placement may also be restricted by the look of your shed. Again, this will often depend on shed placement from property line, and how much of your shed will be visible from neighboring properties, or from the public way. The more visible that your shed will be, the more likely that you will be limited in the colors, and design of the shed that you choose.
Shed placement from property line may also be restricted by how you intend to use the shed. If you plan on using your shed as a workshop, “man cave”, or “she shed” you will likely be required to locate your shed further from any neighboring structures. Running electricity, or plumbing to your shed will also be a factor in determining shed placement from the property line.
Now that you have all of your permits in place, you will need to think about the actual installation, or construction process of your new shed.
Will you have your shed built on site by a contractor?
Will you be constructing the shed yourself from a DIY kit?
Will your shed be pre-assembled and delivered, and installed on your property intact?
The construction, or installation option that you choose will impact shed placement from property line, as you will need to ensure that you have ample room to construct your shed without disturbing your neighbors, or causing a hazard on a public way.
If you are having your shed delivered and installed intact, you will need to ensure that the delivery vehicle has access to your shed placement location without needing to cross onto a neighboring property.
Last, but not least, you will need to take some time to consider how your final shed placement will fit in with your existing landscaping and topography. This is more than just a cosmetic consideration. Of course, you want your shed to look great in your yard, but you will also want to consider how any trees, or shrubs may impact, or be impacted by your shed placement.
Large trees with overhanging limbs may need to be cut back, or you may need to consider shed placement further away from trees, or shrubs that could damage the roof of your shed. You will also need to consider how drainage from the roof of your shed may impact landscaping surrounding the structure.
Determining your proper shed placement can seem daunting at first glance, but following these simple tips will help ensure that you are happy with your final shed placement, and there are no unpleasant surprises down the road.
When you are ready to select your next shed make sure you head on over to shop our pre-built sheds available in a wide array of other gorgeous wood tones. We are here to help you find your perfect shed!