These building wraps provide exceptional water and surfactant resistance while limiting air movement within the wall cavity.
Treated to resist degradation from exposure to ultraviolet light, DRYline wraps can be exposed for up to 180 days during construction.
DRYline commercial-grade non-woven engineered wraps meet applicable building codes for weather-resistant barriers.
Housewrap, also known as house wrap, generally refers to a synthetic material used to protect buildings like homes and garages. Housewrap functions as a weather-resistant barrier, preventing rain from entering the wall assembly while allowing water vapor to pass to the exterior.
A synthetic material that has come to replace asphalt treated paper, this lightweight material is installed over the sheathing and behind the siding. It’s your garage’s last line of defense against air leaks, water infiltration, and leaks.
DRYline® building wraps are made from heavy, non-woven fabrics to keep the weather out and are UV-stabilized to resist excessive degradation when left exposed for 180 days protecting the building envelope during construction.