With over 20 years of success, LP TechShield has been America's original and #1 brand of radiant barrier sheathing.
Patented VaporVents™ technology allows any trapped moisture to escape from the panels during and after installation.
An aluminum overlay blocks the sun's radiant heat from coop and kennel interiors, reducing temperatures by up to 30º F.
LP® TechShield Roof Sheathing with Radiant Barrier offers a highly effective barrier that blocks up to 97% of radiant heat transfer through roof sheathing, keeping coops and kennels cooler in the summer heat. Plus, its highly reflective nature brightens the interior for greater visibility.
Only LP TechShield sheathing features VaporVents™ Technology. Created with LP's patented post-lamination foil incising process, it allows for continued moisture evaporation after installation. No other brand of radiant barrier sheathing offers this unique feature.
LP TechShield sheathing has been America's original and #1 brand of radiant barrier sheathing since 1998.