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6 Practical Tips For Storing Christmas Decorations In Your Shed

by Dakota Storage Buildings, on December 13, 2016


This post was updated in December 2021.

Free up your in-home living space by storing seasonal decorations in a backyard shed.

From your artificial tree to boxes filled with ornaments, garland, and lights, a storage building can keep everything dry, safe, and protected.

Keep reading to discover six practical ways to organize and store Christmas decorations in your shed.

Tree Storage


If you have an artificial tree that you use every year, consider investing in a tree storage bag. It's the easiest and most convenient way to store a Christmas tree. offers a great product. All you need to do is attach the tree bag to your tree stand like you would a tree skirt and enjoy your tree for the season; then, after the holidays are over, open the skirt, and pull the bag up over the tree. Get your tree storage-ready in just minutes.

Wreath Storage


A plastic wreath storage container is perfect for protecting your holiday wreath from dust, dirt, and moisture, plus it will help your wreath keep its shape and ornaments, bows, pine cones, etc. intact and looking great until next Christmas arrives. Most plastic containers have a snap top which provides easy access and a sturdy carrying handle for easy transport.

Be sure to measure your wreath before purchasing a container. You don't want to come home only to discover that you bought the wrong size.

Tree Light and Garland Storage


This light storage box is the perfect solution to store and protect lights, garland, or extension cords from dust and debris. Four light cord wraps suspended inside of the box, so that that each strand hangs neatly and unable to tangle. The hinged lid stays attached to the base to reduce clutter and prevent breakage and misplacement. Keep your lights on the wraps to prevent tangling while decorating your tree, banisters, or porch. If you're creative, try making a DIY version of this helpful storage solution.

Ornament Storage


Store your ornaments and small collectibles in ornament storage boxes like these. Look for boxes that provide secure storage, protect your holiday treasures from damage, and have adjustable interior dividers to help you customize your holiday organization. Sturdy construction and metal corners are a plus. They come in different sizes and materials, but choosing a sturdy container will allow you to stack them.

Candle Storage


To store your holiday candles, wrap them in cellophane to keep them from melting together or transferring color if they become warm. Avoid wrapping your candles in plastic wrap or waxed paper because these materials might melt onto the candles if they get too warm. You'll likely need to store your handles in a container in your house for temperature control.

If you don't want the hassle or don't have the extra room in your house, consider using neutral colored candles to decorate tables and mantles all year long; then you won't have to store candles at all! Or invest in some flameless candles which do not require climate-controlled storage.

Extra Tree Light Bulbs and Ornament Hooks


Have you ever felt frustrated as you fumbled through box after box of Christmas decorations looking for ornament hooks? Perhaps you wondered if you even have any leftover from last year. Those hooks seem to end up everywhere but where you expect to find them. Keep everything neat and organized this year by using a clear tackle box or utility container or a bead organizer. Not only do they work well for organizing hooks, but they're also perfect for extra tree light bulbs and other small items.

Plastic Storage Containers


If you're using cardboard boxes for storage think about replacing them with something more sturdy, such as plastic Christmas storage containers instead, since they are better for stacking, and keep the items inside more protected. Clear containers may serve the purpose even better as you can see what's inside.

Take a few extra minutes each year to determine which items you should toss or replace, if any; and clean our or vacuum storage containers once they're empty. When the time comes to pack everything back up, your storage containers will be ready for immediate use!

More Storage Ideas

Need a backyard shed for your holiday decorations?

Free up your living space by storing seasonal or outdoor items in a backyard storage building. Sheds provide ideal space to store seasonal decor, storage bins, bikes, outdoor equipment, and more, and they keep your things dry, safe, and protected. If you buy from us, you can add a built-in loft, perfect for storing seasonal items up and out of the way. 

Check out one of our display lots near you to see our sheds up close, inside and out. Or browse our prebuilt sheds from the warmth of your home. 

Download our free Shed Buying Workbook if you need help deciding on the right shed for your needs.

Topics:Storage Ideas & Organization Tips

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