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Shed Maintenance Checklist

by Dakota Storage Buildings, on February 25, 2016

Shed Maintenance Checklist

High-quality sheds are a valuable and worthwhile investment. However, they need to be properly maintained. 

While you may already be aware of ways to winterize your shed, below are some ways to maintain it throughout the rest of the year. To ensure that your shed lasts a long time and continues to function at full capability, take a moment to review our checklist below.

 Shed Maintenance Checklist

  • Check for leaks and breaks: Whether it’s a missing shingle or a cracked window, it’s important to fix problems as soon as they happen. If there aren’t obvious problems, proactively looks for potential issues in order to prevent them from starting or developing into an issue down the road.
  • Keep your shed pest-free: Just because you don’t have pest issues now doesn’t mean you’ll never have them. Keep your shed pest-free by trimming all vegetation (including grass) around the entire perimeter and don’t stack firewood against the exterior.  
  • Investigate handles: Handles and levers should be sprayed with a lubricant like WD-40 as a part of regular upkeep.

  • Examine shelving and workbenches: Are your shelves holding up ok? Are they sufficiently sturdy? How about your workbench -- have you used it recently? If not, is there anything you need to do in order for it to be ready for use? If you notice low grade wear and tear, now is a good time to take action.

  • Take inventory of tools and equipment: Check through your tool and equipment. Is everything working? Does anything need refueled, oil changed, batteries replaced, or purchased? This is a great time to take inventory. While you’re at it, give the floor a good once over whether with a broom. The extra ten minutes will be a good exercise and it will help your shed remain tidy and debris-free.

  • Get organized: Instead of organizing your storage shed for the hundredth time, use these shed organization tips to keep your shed looking nice once and for all.

  • Prep your shed for the season: If it’s winter, make sure ice scrapers, battery chargers, ice melt, and snow shovels are easily accessible; in the summer make sure pool noodles, gardening tools, outdoor furniture, and camping gear are easy to reach. You get the picture.

  • Wash the exterior: Once a year give the entire outside of your shed a good brush and wash to remove dust and dirt.

  • Repaint siding. Some shed will need to be repainted every couple years. Know what type of siding you have and how often it needs repainted.

If you’re a shed owner, keep this checklist nearby and conquer these items throughout the year. If you do, your shed will remain in great shape.

If you don’t own a shed but would like to, we recommend our high-quality sheds. Choose from first-rate roofing, a variety of superior sidings, and enjoy our standard pressure treated floors, floor joists, and skids. Because of these stellar features, our sheds require minimal maintenance.

Get Maintenance Checklist [PDF]

It’s our mission at Dakota Storage Buildings to make high-quality buildings that exceed your expectations. Explore our storage buildings in person at our St. Cloud, Minnesota location, our Alexandria, Minnesota location, or any of our other South Dakota or Minnesota display locations.

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Topics:Maintenance Tips

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