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Ideas for Building a Chicken Coop

by Dakota Storage Buildings, on June 22, 2022


Have you always dreamed of a backyard chicken coop? Many families choose to raise chickens in their yard. While it may seem fun, before you build a chicken coop, there are many important components to consider. Raising chickens requires many basic requirements, such as adequate space, time, and money. In this article, we’ll explore some important things to consider before building a chicken coop and explore the various types of chicken coops.

Costs of Building a Chicken Coop

There are several costs associated with starting to build a chicken coop. While the price of buying chickens is low — whether you’re buying chicks or adult hens — the cost of building materials can be a large sum depending on your location. You also have to consider how much of your time will be spent building your coop if you decide to build it yourself. While budgeting, consider the monthly costs of feed, and what type of feed you want to utilize.

Space Required for a Chicken Coop

Of course, to build a chicken coop you will need adequate backyard space. For reference, each adult chicken needs at least 2 sq. feet of floor space for shelter and 3 more sq. feet to run. The more chickens you want to have, the more space you will need for your chicken coop. 

Another important consideration is the location where you will build your coop. Your town may have special rules about what is allowed and what isn’t, so be sure to check regulations before building. In addition, you’ll want to make sure your chicken coop is not close to your neighbors to avoid complaints.

Time Required for a Chicken Coop

Before you build a chicken coop, consider the amount of time you must devote each week to raising chickens. Each day, you will need to perform some basic chores and tasks for your chickens. In the morning and evening, you’ll need at least 15 minutes to care for your chickens. To save time, you can install automatic feeders and an automatic water supply.

If you’re collecting eggs from your chickens, you’ll also need to set aside time to gather eggs. Once or twice a week, cleaning the chicken coup will require at least an hour. Tasks as part of this weekly clean-up include refilling feed and water ins, scrubbing water containers, adding litter, removing manure, and other chicken coop cleaning tasks.

If these sound like reasonable weekly chores and your schedule allows, you have enough time to safely raise chickens! If not, you may want to reconsider building a chicken coop at a less busy time in your life.

Types of Chicken Coops

The type of chicken coop you should build will depend on what your intentions are. Whether you’re looking for eggs, meat, or simply backyard pets, you’ll want to consider the primary purpose of raising chickens and building a backyard chicken coup. Be sure to give this careful consideration to make sure the benefits will outweigh the costs.

Want to learn more about building a chicken coop? Download our free guide for evaluating the best-fit quality chicken coops!

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