Large Dog Runs: Benefits and Ideas for Happy Dogs
by Dakota Storage Buildings, on April 12, 2023
Dog runs are the perfect way to keep even the largest breeds confined to a space while allowing them to run and stretch as needed. Running, playing, and lounging outside are a dog's favorite activities, but your schedule may only sometimes allow extended outdoor time. Dog runs let your canine be out while you continue your daily routine without sacrificing their safety or comfort. Large dog runs give you the best of both worlds while satisfying your working dog's desire for outdoor adventure, and knowing how to care for your dog while away correctly can be hard. An outdoor dog run is one of the best ways to ease your worry.
What is a Dog Run?
A dog run is a closed-off outside area that allows your dog to run and play in a safe environment. Oftentimes, these are attached to outdoor dog kennels. Dog runs are a perfect way for your working dog to get exercise and let out their energy in a spacious area. Most dog runs are enclosed with fencing, so your dog cannot chew through the material. If your dog does not tend to chew, you could also use a wood fence.
So many dog owners choose to use a dog run mainly because of convenience and comfort. Putting your dog outside in a kennel can have a bad reputation, but you can quickly turn any ordinary kennel into an oasis for your dog. Whether you need a playpen for a pup, a retreat for your working dog, or an outside space to stay in while you are at work, you will find that a large dog kennel can solve many needs.
Benefits of a Dog Run
We have already briefly touched on the benefits of a dog run, but you will find multiple reasons why you and your dog will love the outdoor run. Large dog runs allow your dog to run freely without worrying about their safety or a lack of space. Your yard can soon become their favorite place to be.
Many dog owners worry about letting their dogs out for extended periods without going outside with them, and reasonably so. Dogs can get distracted by other people and animals and wander too far. Traffic can be a major concern if you live on a busy street. We understand you would never want to put your dog into a potentially harmful situation. That is why large dog runs are a valuable resource for any dog owner. It lets your dog be independent outside without worrying about their safety.
The size of your dog's run will depend on the breed of your dog. The larger the dog, the bigger the space. Plus, if you have more than one dog in the run simultaneously, you must double the minimum amount of space. You may need to consider a commercial-sized kennel and run in these situations. However, we like to argue that there is no cap on the size requirement. Though you want to stay away from a tiny run, the more space for your dog to run, the better! Giving your dog as much space as possible will help them get proper exercise and entertain them throughout the day. If you plan on spending long days at work and leaving your dog in their run, you want to ensure that the space is adequate to ensure they stay happy and comfortable until you come home.
In or Out, a Dogs Choice
Let's face it; most dogs do not like crates. Being cramped into a small space for hours does nothing for their happiness. Working dogs, especially, are used to running outdoors without being contained. Large dog runs are a more spacious and pleasant experience for your dog. It is the best of both, inside and out. They can move between sections of the kennel, play, stretch, and lounge all in one area. When your dog run is attached to a kennel, it will even have its own space to go between indoors and outdoors.
Staying in a Contained Area
While dogs need space to run freely, some roam too far. Some may wander your neighbor's yard and dig up their precious petunias. Or jump into the swimming pool on a hot day. While your dog may have lots of fun, your neighbors would probably not share that same feeling. Keeping your dog away from specific backyard features can keep them safe and prevent any disasters from happening. However, they will not be deprived of outdoor playing time with a large dog kennel. Plus, if you have guests over or small children, a run can keep them separated from your working dog while still letting them feel like they are a part of the fun.
Provide Your Dog Activities
While some dogs are content lounging around all day, others will get anxious or have too much energy inside of them that is bursting to get out. When you let your dog outside in their kennel for extended periods, consider adding some exciting features to keep them entertained until you return. Puzzle toys are perfect for dogs that need mental stimulation. Other toys can keep your dogs busy while dispensing food as they play. This will give them treats throughout the day so they don’t get hungry. Just because you cannot be present 24/7 does not mean your dog must wait idly until you get home. Make the dog run a fun, exciting, and entertaining place to be.
Find a The Best Kennel to Keep Your Dog Happy
You should not feel guilty for considering an outdoor dog run for your dog. Giving them a safe, comfortable, and reliable place to stay is one of the best ways to care for your dog. No matter how long you plan on keeping your dog outdoors, you will find that a large dog kennel with an attached run can become one of their new favorite places to stay. If you are ready to find the perfect kennel for your dog, we have assembled a detailed guide to walk you through the most critical factors to consider when choosing a kennel.