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​When Storage Hacks Just Aren’t Enough It’s Time for a Storage Shed​

by Dakota Storage Buildings, on December 27, 2017

Too much stuff? It might be time for a storage shed!

You can try all the storage hacks that the internet serves up, but sometimes the best solution is a storage shed.

Have you tried all the storage hacks and DIY storage ideas that you can find on Pinterest for your—

  • Hall Closet
  • Bedroom Closets
  • Cabinets
  • Pantry
  • Attic
  • Basement
  • Spare Room
  • Laundry Room
  • Play Room

If you have, you may have discovered that some work like a charm but others don't work well at all. Some may be brilliant while some may have been too idealistic for the real world. If you've done all you can to organize and store your Christmas decorations, sports equipment, outgrown clothing, and more, it may be time to consider a backyard shed.

Take this quick 4-question storage assessment quiz. Find out if you need a storage shed.

  1. Do you have a hard time keeping track of where you store your items? 

    If you are always searching for items you can’t find and finding things you forgot you owned, you need more space. Even the best organizational tactics fail if there isn’t enough room to implement them.

  2. Have you already tried decluttering? 

    One of the first expert tips you’ll hear when you complain about your lack of space is to work on de-cluttering your home. But, sometimes decluttering isn't enough.

  3. Do you have a dedicated storage room in your home?

    Have you lost an entire room to boxes? Even if it’s just the guest room, you shouldn’t be sacrificing your living space to store possessions. You can easily move out all the contents of that room and return it to its previous function — all you need is a storage shed. 

  4. Are you struggling to find a place to store large, bulky items like furniture or exercise equipment?

    Sometimes it isn’t the small stuff you’re most worried about storing, but the large, unwieldy possessions — like antique furniture you plan to refinish, exercise equipment you bought but never used, or sporting goods that don’t fit in closets (think kayaks and skis). These big items don’t need to be around all the time, and yet they’re always in the way because they have nowhere to go.

If you answered "yes" to most or all of the questions, let's talk about how a backyard storage shed can make your life so much easier.

Download Free Shed Buying Workbook

Look beyond storage hacks and DIY storage ideas

While hacks and creative ideas go a long way in keeping your home and possessions organized, sometimes having a backyard shed is just a better approach to storing your things. Here are four reasons why having a shed can make your life easier.

  1. Having a shed — keeps your home clutter-free. Why fill up a spare bedroom, pack your closets until they're overflowing, or cram random items into nooks when you can keep everything neatly organized in a backyard shed?

  2. Having a shed — keeps everything in one secure place. With a shed, you can keep all the items you don't need on a daily basis, in one safe location close to your home. 

  3. Having a shed — protects your investments. If you have an ATV, motorcycle, high-end bicycle, or any other investment that you want to be protected from the elements, don't settle for canvas covers that allow rust to form, instead store them inside a shed.

  4. Having a shed — expands your living space. If you need to reclaim a spare room or section of your basement but you have no place to go with your exercise equipment, hobby supplies, or office desk, a shed can work nicely. If it doesn't fit into your house, it can fit into a shed.

For these reasons and more, we believe that a Dakota Storage Buildings shed would be a great fit for your needs. We build high-quality sheds with premium materials so that they last a long time. Sure, you can buy a cheap DIY shed kit that will serve you well for a few years, or you can invest in an attractive shed that will blend into your neighborhood and last for many years.

Start shopping for your backyard shed

To start your shed shopping journey — whether you need a shed for your backyard or vacation home — explore our storage buildings in person at a South Dakota or Minnesota display location or browse our online Image Gallery.

It's true that there are many things to consider when looking for a shed, but our interactive Shed Buying Checklist can help you decide. Take time to answer all the questions in this checklist. Each section is designed to help you choose the ideal storage building.


Download Our Shed Buying Workbook

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